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Directory rules

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Anyone can add a link into the directory – even if you have only a tip and you are not the software author, add this into the directory, we will review it. Prerequisite is that you know this software, you can describe and assign the right categories to it. The entries must be relevant / match to the topic too.

And that is free of charge. We look forward to a back link, but this is not a prerequisite for a entry to be added into the directory. If our content are useful, we will be certain linked by other. If you are not sure whether your software / link may be included in the directory: just add it, we will tell you.

The added links into directory are high value links, no "nofollow" links! All entries in the directory are full links, there are no one "nofollow" link. Therefore we have here no tolerance for sites with excessive advertisement, affiliate or the like!

We strive to ensure the accuracy of the informations we have published here. However we provide this service with no warranty, because we offer these information for free. Mistake that are reported over contact, will be corrected immediately (2-3 Days). See also: Disclaimer .

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